Nurturing young minds,

Enriching communities.

Providing Premier Jewish Early Years Education Across The UK

Get in touch
boy in nursery playing with sand at Ohr Belgravia Nursery

Who We Are

At the Werton Group, we are driven by a passion for education and a belief in the transformative power of truly outstanding early-years provision. We own and operate nurseries that go beyond traditional approaches to childcare.

We provide nurturing and stimulating environments that support the emotional, social and physical wellbeing of every child in our care. We are driven by a relentless thirst to enable every child to get the best start in life.

Our pedagogy is child-led and we ensure that every young person in a Werton group nursery is empowered to make the maximum progress possible academically, socially and emotionally.

The Village Gan has a unique setup tailored to offer individualised care for all ages and needs. The warm and welcoming atmosphere made us feel like we were part of the family from day one!

Ella's Mum, child aged 2

Parent at The Village Gan Nursery

Our Values

We believe in the power of community and each of our nurseries is unique. We actively engage in local communities to create bespoke educational provisions that drive community engagement and offer a holistic educational experience to the whole family.

Werton Group brings a wealth of experience to the table when it comes to establishing and managing nurseries.

We understand that each educational endeavor is unique, and our team is dedicated to tailoring solutions that meet the specific needs of your community.

Our Nurseries

Our Approach

Passion for Education

We are driven by a passion for education and a belief in the transformative power it holds for individuals and communities.

Holistic Approach

Our approach goes beyond academics. We believe in providing a nurturing environment that supports the emotional, social, and physical well-being of every child.

Community Integration

Werton Group believes in the power of community. We actively engage with local communities to create educational projects that are not just schools but hubs of learning and growth.

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Opening Hours

Monday - Thursday 8am - 5:30pm

Contact Information

©2024 by The Werton Group